Superintendents' Council

  • The Superintendents' Council is composed of the Superintendents, or Superintendent equivalent, from each of the Local Educational Agency (LEA) within the SELPA.  The Superintendents' Council is the governing body of the East San Gabriel Valley SELPA, with each Superintendent being responsible to the governing boards of their respective LEA.  Per the approved local plan, the Superintendents' Council meetings are held a minimum of five times per school year and all meetings are noticed and conducted in compliance with the Brown Act and other applicable laws.

    Reasonable Accommodations for Individual with Disabilities
    Any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in the Superintendents' Council may request assistance by contacting the SELPA Office at 626-966-1679.  Notification must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Superintendents' Council Agendas